All about our theatre company, values, mission statement and committee.
It was first established in 1973 and is governed by an 10 member Executive Committee elected by the Repertory membership. Volunteers for all aspects of operation (productions, front of house, theatre maintenance, properties, membership services, financial control) are drawn from the Repertory’s membership.
Each year, the Repertory present 6 major production seasons. These are very well attended and often sell out soon after opening. Our patrons are not only drawn from the Cities of Wanneroo and Joondalup, but also include avid theatregoers from as far away as south of the river.
Although the Theatre building and its contents were funded by the Repertory through its own fundraising and various grants, the land on which it sits is owned by and leased from the City of Wanneroo. The lease is for a 5 year term and will next be reviewed in 2023.

Privacy Policy
Rules of Association
Theatre Operating Procedures
Values and Mission Statement
Strategic Business Plan
Become a Member
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Where to Find Us
Civic Drive, Wanneroo 6065
Next to Aquamotion
Opposite the War Memorial
Postal Address
Wanneroo Repertory Inc
PO Box 77
Wanneroo 6946
ABN: 21 028 417 969
Limelight Theatre
The Home of Wanneroo Repertory Inc.