Written by Patrick Hamilton
Set in Victorian England, Gaslight focuses on the Manninghams of Angel Street. Under the guise of kindliness, handsome Mr Manningham is torturing his wife into insanity. Following her mother’s death she is more than convinced that she too is going out of her mind. She is constantly being berated by her husband when things keep going missing which she cannot remember.

Principal Cast
Mr Manningham:Â Andrew Govey
Mrs Manningham:Â Emma Shaw
Inspector Rough:Â Chris Juckes
Elizabeth the Housekeeper:Â Colleen Hopkins
Nancy the Maid:Â Ellie Bawden
Policemen:Â Jared Herft & Tom Melanko
Production Team
Director:Â Karen Tropiano
Stage Manager:Â Carryn McLean
Assisted by:Â Marilyn Woodard
Set Design & Construction:Â Robert Usaraga, Karen Tropiano, Dave Browning, Andrew Govey & Polly Waugh
Set Dresser:Â Polly Waugh & Karen Tropiano
Sound Operator:Â Kim Elford
Lighting Operator:Â Wally Fry & Jacob Anderson
Wardrobe:Â Joyce Gilbert
Assisted By:Â Kerry Woods & Marian Davis
Properties:Â Carryn McLean
Awarded Top Ten Plays at the 2016 Finley Awards
Limelight Award Winners
Best Male Actor in a Major Role (Play):Â Andrew Govey
Best Male Actor in a Supporting Role (Play):Â Chris Juckes
Best Female Actor in a Supporting Role (Play):Â Ellie Bowden
Best Production
Finley Adjudicator Certificate Recipient for Atmosphere
Limelight Theatre productions would not be possible without the generosity of the community, its dedicated members and financial support from its sponsors
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Civic Drive, Wanneroo 6065
Next to Aquamotion
Opposite the War Memorial
Postal Address
Wanneroo Repertory Inc
PO Box 77
Wanneroo 6946
ABN:Â 21 028 417 969
Limelight Theatre
The Home of Wanneroo Repertory Inc.