Nunsense II
Book, Music & Lyrics by Dan Goggin
Taking place just six weeks after their successful benefit performance, the same five nuns are back on stage. This time though the sisters are much slicker.
Things get off to a high spirited start but chaos soon erupts when two Franciscans come to claim Sister Mary Amnesia as one of their own. At the same time, the Sister’s hear that there is a talent scout in the audience. What could possibly happen next?
Image by Kevin McGinn Photographer

Principal Cast
Sister Mary Regina (Reverend Mother):Â Shelley McGinn
Sister Mary Hubert:Â Jane Anderson
Sister Amnesia (Mary Paul):Â Jen Edwards
Sister Robert Anne:Â Alida Chaney
Sister Mary Leo:Â Mahalia Bowles
Production Team
Director:Â Karen Tropiano
Musical Director:Â Lyn Brown
Choreographer:Â Polly Waugh
Stage Manager:Â Anne LeRoy
Lighting:Â Wally Fry
Sound:Â Daniel Toomath
Follow Spots:Â Justin Vallow, T.J. Carter, Deb Anderson
Stage Crew:Â Bev Bennett, Marie O’Brien, David Gostlow, Carryn McLean, Margaret McDade
Set Design & Construction:Â Robert Usaraga
Set Artistry:Â Polly Waugh
Set Building Team:Â Karen Tropiano, Justin Vallow, Lyn Brown
Set Painting:Â Polly Waugh, Karen Tropiano, Lyn Brown, John Henny, Paul Bassham
Original Set Pieces Crafted By:Â Robert Usaraga
Special Effects:Â Robert Usaraga, Wally Fry
Costumes:Â Joyce Gilbert, Marion James, Kerry Woods, Shelley McGinn
Props:Â Jen Edwards, Carryn McLean, Shelley McGinn, Robert Usaraga
Finley Award Winner for Best Set in a Musical
Our Blessed Orchestra
Keyboard 1:Â Lyn Brown
Keyboard 2:Â Andrew Angel
Bass:Â Robert Usaraga
Drums:Â Terry Murphy
Finley Award Nomination
Jen Edwards:AÂ Musical Theatre Performer – Female
Stirling Players
Wanneroo Sports and Social Club
Bob Mainwaring
Justin (Sister Brunhilde) Vallow & Anne (Sister Mary-Ann) Leroy
Special Thanks
The cast would like to thank Robert Usaraga for his tireless work in bringing the vision of our set to reality. He is now an honorary Nun as he has proved that men can do more than one thing at once!
Image by Kevin McGinn Photographer
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Next to Aquamotion
Opposite the War Memorial
Postal Address
Wanneroo Repertory Inc
PO Box 77
Wanneroo 6946
ABN:Â 21 028 417 969
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