Pack of Lies
Written by Hugh Whitemore
First performed in London’s West End in 1983, when it starred Judi Dench and Michael Williams, Hugh Whitemore’s powerful play is based on a true story. The plot centers on Bob and Barbara Jackson, their teenage daughter Julie and their neighbours across the road, who are not what they seem…
The action takes place in 1960’s London and underlines the events, the lies and the betrayal that take place behind the curtains of semi-detached houses in a quiet suburban street…
Image by Katie Robinson

Principal Cast
Bob Jackson: Chris Juckes
Barbara Jackson: Fiona Forster
Julie Jackson: Lara Simpson
Helen Kroger: Kezia George
Peter Kroger: Gordon Park
Stewart: Andrew Brown
Thelma: Natalie Wiles
Sally: Ada Ritchin
Production Team
Director: Gordon Park
Stage Manager: RJ Smolders
Stage Crew: Lorraine Jones, Helen Tudge & Julie Clark
Sound Operator: Richard Tudge
Lighting Operator: Tom Melanko
Sound Design: Paul King
Lighting Design: Ashlee Torrens & Vince Haines
Properties: Lorraine Jones
Wardrobe: Julie Clark & Joan Braskic
Scenic Artists: Ursula Kotara & Tina Harper
Set Design & Construction: Gordon Park, Richard Tudge, RJ Smolders, Dave Browning, Andrew Brown, Roger Oakes, Neville Harlow, Lorraine Jones & Ian Jones
Rehearsal Prompt: Julie Clark
Finley Award Winner
The Terry Hackett Award – Best Play Ensemble
ADJUDICATORS CERTIFICATE: For using a QR-code to provide audiences with additional information about this engrossing real-life story.
David Crewes Award – Best Set in a Play
Thanks to Shelley, Sandra, Lorraine, Deb, Julia, Jenny, Joan, Julie, Wally, Neville, Vince and Patrick – The Tuesday Task Force who have contributed in so many ways to bring this production to the stage for your enjoyment. Nothing is too much trouble for this wonderful band of volunteers.
Thank you also to “e Furniture Repurposing” for their ongoing help and assistance.
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