The Full Monty
Written by Simon Beaufoy
Six unemployed, working class men decide to bare all in order to make some desperately needed money. Based on the 1997 film of the same name, this is an hilarious story of men confronting their masculinity, dignity, self worth and insecurities.
Image by Kate Robinson

Principal Cast
Gaz:Â Nigel Goodwin
Dave:Â Phil Bedworth
Gerald:Â Chris McCafferty
Lomper:Â Lynden Hughes
Guy:Â Chris Dolkens
Horse:Â Eddie Stowers
Nathan:Â Nate Garnett & James Low
Mandy:Â Laura Kovler
Jean:Â Roxanne Fynn
Linda:Â Michelle White
Production Team
Director:Â Phil Bedworth
Assistant Director:Â Natalie Wiles
Stage Manager:Â Joanne Bedworth
Assistant Stage Manager:Â Lorraine Jones
Choreography:Â Fiona Scott
Backstage Crew:Â Christine Smith, Maddison Scott, Trish Garnett, Cameron Bauer, Madeline McAllan & Sonia Low
Set Design:Â Phil Bedworth
Set Construction:Â Phil Bedworth, Gareth Bishop, Vince Haines, Chris McCafferty, Joanne Bedworth, Nigel Goodwin, Eddie Stowers, Madeline McAllan & Members of the “Tuesday Task Force”
Lighting Design:Â Mitch Byrne & Peter Giles
Lighting Operator:Â Peter Giles
Sound Design:Â Reynold Bauer & Phil Bedworth
Sound Operator:Â Reynold Bauer
Props:Â Joanne Bedworth, Lorraine Jones & Cast
Wardrobe:Â Joanne Bedworth, Joan Braskic, Julia Gobbert, Lorraine Jones, Fiona Scott and Cast
Make Up:Â Madeline McAllan
Finley Award Nominations:
The David Crewes Award for Best Set in a Play
The Hywell Williams Award for Technical Achievement
Barry/Ensemble:Â Isaac Powell
Sharon/Ensemble:Â Amy McAllan
Bee/Ensemble:Â Aritri Dhar
Alan/Ensemble:Â Patrick Ragan
Brionny/Ensemble:Â Kelly Fisher
Terry/Ensemble:Â Jake Libbis
Alf/Ensemble:Â Gareth Bishop
Michelle/Ensemble:Â Natalie Wiles
Reg/Ensemble:Â Paul Grayson
Annie/Ensemble:Â Sueanne McCumstie
Ensemble:Â Stan Briggs
Ensemble/Understudy:Â Sonia Low
Madeline McAllan from MK Make Up Artistry.
Madeline and Heather McAllan for the Sheffield City Landscape painting
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School (especially Carl and Mitch) for assisting with lighting and staging
Kelly Barnes of Ellie and Bambi for embroidery
The Yorkshireman’s Pie
Wanneroo Tavern for the lend of the beer barrel
Image by Kate Robinson
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