Written by George Bernard Shaw
With this adaptation set in 1929, the story centre’s on Eliza Doolittle, a lowly girl selling flowers on the street who dreams of a better life for herself. One night in Covent Garden, she crosses paths with Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering, who bet each other that Higgins could pass Eliza of as a duchess in six months. What follows is a mixture of comic social faux pas and tragic lessons as Eliza learns that she’s gotten more than she bargained for. Through these lessons however, Eliza becomes her own modern, independent woman.

Principal Cast
Eliza Doolittle:Â Emily Botje
Professor Higgins: Owen Phillips
Colonel Pickering:Â Gino Cataldo
Mrs Higgins:Â Ursula Johnson
Alfred Doolittle:Â Andrew Govey
Mrs Pearce:Â Christine Smith
Mrs Eynsford-Hill:Â Cherilyn McMeekin
Clara Eynsford-Hill:Â Kaitlin Okely
Freddy Eynsford-Hill:Â Mitchell Robinson
Mrs Higgins’ Housekeeper:Â Tamsin Clarke
Production Team
Director:Â Jacob Turner
Stage Manager:Â Andrew Brown
Stage Crew:Â Tamsin Clarke, Jason Pearce, Gordon Johnson, Thomas Kinshela & Deb Anderson
Set Design:Â Robert Usaraga
Set Building:Â Robert Usaraga, Robert Benson-Parry
Lighting Design: Jacob Anderson
Lighting Operator:Â Jacob Turner
Sound:Â Daniel Toomath, Kim Elford
Scenic Artist:Â Polly Waugh
Wardrobe:Â Meg Considine, Loz Haynes, Joan Braskic, Shelley McGinn
The fabulous Ursula Johnson celebrated her 90th birthday during the show.
Happy Birthday!
Limelight Award Winners
Emily Botje:Â Best female actor in a major role (play)
Ursula Johnson:Â Best female actor in a supporting role (play)
Robert Usaraga:Â Amazing design and set building skills
Andrew Govey: Professionalism at stepping in at the last minute
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PO Box 77
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